Election post



I want to be the Vice President of the Ahlulbayt Society because I firmly believe in the beautiful purpose of ABSoc to build a community, gain more knowledge and prepare for the Imam of our time (atjf) whilst navigating the everyday challenges as a Shia Muslim in university. This past year I have been the President of the UCL Sign Language Society where I introduced a new teacher and expanded the classes for which over 100 students could benefit learning BSL this year. I have good knowledge of how to work with the SU (which can be difficult sometimes) and I can manage society responsibilities alongside my degree. I am also currently the Sisters' Rep at ABSoc and I have helped welcome new freshers, organise socials (including the Cambridge Trip) and I am leading the events for our campaign week on Global Awareness. 

Some ideas I have for ABSoc next year: 

- Weekly DKDC workshop series led by a scholar 

- Sisters-only event with a female scholar

- Try and introduce topics like the Quran and the life of our Prophet 

- More volunteering with Who is Hussain (and maybe other charities)

- Some casual dua events (like Dua Tawassul on a Tuesday afternoon)

- Career events?