Election post


As your events officer, my primary goal would be to provide opportunities for people to establish long-lasting relationships. I understand that freshers' week is crucial in setting the tone for the year, and there is a need for frequent, organized and valuable events that cater to the interests and needs of ACS members. My objective is to create an environment at each event that encourages individuals to come out of their shells, interact with each other, and have fun. Unfortunately, my friends and I noticed that the community aspect of our freshers' experience was lacking so we organized our own events to try and revive it. This is an effort that I hope to continue as part of your committee. I enjoy brainstorming and planning, and all the other logistical behind-the-scenes tasks that others often find tedious and I am confident in my ability to create open and inclusive activities that cater to everyone, including non-drinkers and non-clubbers. I believe in encouraging the ACS community to branch out and gain new experiences and I want ACS to help facilitate that. Coming from a predominantly white area in the north, I understand that black people do not all fit one mold, and I will strive to ensure that everyone in the society feels seen and heard by taking feedback from members on ways to make each event better than the last. The vision for the future of ACS should be to restore a sense of community, and I hope to be part of the team that brings it to fruition. Thank you.