Election post


ACS is defined by our community spirit - as candidate for the event officer, I aim to continue building the community and bringing the vibes!

Last year, we had some amazing events with many opportunities presented by the current committee to get involved. 

As a former ACS president in sixth form, I have had loads of experience in planning, budgeting and executing a plethora of events, such as a culture evening, fundraisers and speaker evenings.

My main propositions would be:

- More community based events 

This year, we had so many opportunities to meet and make new friends. I would continue to do more community based events - potluck evenings, movie and games nights. 

- Variety of sports events

I would continue to sustain current events like football and netball matches with other societies. I would also like to get people involved in sports where there is a lack of black representation. Have you ever wanted to try ice hockey or lacrosse, for example? I aim to liaise with sports societies, to give you opportunities to partake in taster sessions in these sports. 

- An ACS Ball! 

I love a good party more than anything - key term here is ‘good’. From catering to music, I would love to plan a ball, ideally in collaboration with other London universities for an ultimate dancehall vibe. 

I would also be taking regular feedback, to cater our events to fit the society’s interests!

If you want a candidate invested in your opinion to give you the best time next year, vote for Charissa!

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