Election post


Hi, my name is Luigi, I am very excited to announce my candidacy for Treasurer. You might know me as the person who isn’t scared to advocate for students when UCL fails us and have consistently fed back to our lecturers and staff to share what we as students would benefit most to have. My commitment and experience to making our voices heard has led me to act on a matter I am passionate about: enhancing the ADM Society's funding.

I was left very dissapointed by the Maths Ball last year when the only venue we could afford was the IOE institute bar. Despite the event being a resounding success, I couldn’t help but feel like we deserved a better venue, especially when other smaller societies managed to get much nicer places. Founded in 1900, ADM is one of the oldest and biggest societies at UCL, however over time, we have fallen behind and now face a serious funding problem.

This is why, hopefully as your next treasurer, I will make it my personal goal to get as much funding for next year’s Maths ball! I will find suitable sponsors and directly liase with the SU staff to ensure we have a venue worthy of our society.  

For this target, I have already thought of some sponsors that are known for sponsoring societies like ours (Bloomberg, google...). Not only will sponsors allow us to improve both the quality and quantity of ALL of our events but make sure that everyone can get a slice of pizza when they arrive to the Maths Ball. 

Vote for me and make the ADM finances great again!

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