Election post


Hello, my name is Myroslava(Mira) and I am running to be your President.


  • ADM Mathematics Society Marketing Director

I have worked as a Marketing Director in this society for over a year. I have reached out to companies like AmplifyME and supported ADM in organising our biggest events. These experiences have helped me learn our audience and understand how to cater best to you. My knowledge will help increase our turnout, allowing us to expand and form partnerships with influential companies. 

  • UCL Women’s Rugby Treasurer

I arranged the first sponsorship deal in years, which has taught me how to best approach and negotiate with companies. I have also learnt to manage a society’s finances and work with the Students Union to maximise them.

  • UCL Ukrainian Society Social Secretary

I have helped contact and host high-profile speakers. Through this position I have also gained experience in working with venues near UCL. 

Goals for society 

  • Host more career events and build partnerships with potential employers (in Finance, Technology, Academia etc.)
  • Increase the turnout for our events
  • Organise a variety of social events (picnics, pub socials etc.)
  • Support the future Treasurer in finding a sponsorship

Goals for committee

  • Create a supportive environment within the committee 
  • Make sure everyone’s workload is balanced
  • Ensure that everyone’s opinion is taken into account during decision-making

I hope I can continue building ADM and supporting its members!