Election post


Hello everyone, my name is Berkay, and I will be a second-year Mathematics student next year. I am Turkish and lived most of my life in Belgium and Switzerland.

What do I hope to achieve?

- I will create attractive events to help bring more people into the society.

- My goal will be to have a mix of fun events and intellectual events where we help each other with applications, projects, etc. Mens Sana in copore sano ;)

- I also want to create a weekly session for Assignments and also create easy weekly challenges in order to have fun and succeed together.

- I will proactively listen to the members of Mathematics to adjust the events according to what the members desire.

- My goal is to be able to share this beauty and show everyone that Mathematics isn't a subject to be feared but to be appreciated.

Why should you vote for me?

- My international experience has given me the fundamental skills to create welcoming events. Those skills are mainly my understanding of different cultures through living in four other countries and my ability to speak four languages fluently.

- I also cultivate a deep passion for Mathematics I often get lost in mathematical literature, appreciating the beauty of the Queen of all sciences.

- This passion and my ability to adapt well to given circumstances make me a great candidate for this role.

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