Election post


Hi! I'm Amelia, a first-year architecture student. I’m an FYR for Abacus and have experience with events such as the karaoke night, as well as previous experience interning at architecture firms, promoting events, and increasing outreach. As a London girl, I'm used to life here and hope you'll join me in the experience!


Leadership: Trusting my committee and their unique skills whilst playing to our strengths. Fostering an efficient environment and ensuring members don’t feel overwhelmed by workloads.

Communication: Frequent meetings, early planning, and open communication with Abacus committees.

Collaboration: Expanding Abacus across London, through Inter-Uni events and collaborations within UCL.

Community: Aiming for a united and driven community to bring the best of Abacus to you all, over the years to come.

Aims & Implementations:

Higher Fresher Intake and Participation: Hosting more casual, cheap events, utilising every aspect of IG to increase outreach. Use Instagram stories for feedback, encourage social media tagging, release events earlier, and explore inter-society collaborations.

Consistent Clubbing Event Quality: Ensure quality by checking DJs and venues, plan and promote early with videos and photos.

Decrease Prices: Seek potential sponsors to reduce clubbing event prices.

Sense of Community: Introducing FYRs earlier to bridge the disconnect between freshers and the committee, more casual events for all-year groups.

Thanks for reading, see you all soon!

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