Election post


Hi I’m Lily, I’m from Leeds, and I went to a school OFSTED kindly deemed as below average. I struggled in first year with people mocking my Northern accent and feeling out of my depth socially and academically. I quickly understood that my normal was not for the average UCL student. For me, police permanently at school and leaky roofs were the norm, not Latin classes and ski trips.

I am running for Welfare Officer as this is not right or fair. We not only deserve our places here but also a comfortable and welcoming environment. The 93% Club is something I wish I had known about in my first year as it would of helped me settle in a lot quicker. As Welfare Officer, I hope to help the society reach more state schoolers creating like-minded community and support each other.

I have been part of Cheese Grater Magazine for the past two years, holding the position of social and communications sec where we aim to hold UCL to account, giving those a voice who wouldn’t otherwise have it. Here, I have organised events for the society and helped with the social media, creating a community for all. Our priorities this year have focused on outreach through this platform; skills I can bring to this role.

I am, and always have been, proud of my state school education and believe it something to be celebrated. Through the 93% club, we can make our voices heard by the institution led by the privately educated, and I hope to be a part of this next year.

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