Election post


About me:

  • I'm Samir, a first year BSc Social Sciences student and I am currently the first year representative for UCL’s 93% Club.
  • I went to a non selective state secondary school and sixth form college, so I can relate to you if you have had a PE teacher for Maths or there being a fight in the classroom next door to mention a few of many issues my school had.
  • I come from a diverse background being a person of colour (bit obvious), being half Filipino and half Bengali but being born and bred in the UK.
  • I want to pursue a career in commercial law, currently being mentored by a top US law firm for the next three years and already securing places on open days and first year schemes, including firms that sponsor the 93% Club.

Why you should vote for me?

  • As I am already on the committee for the society as the first year representative, I already have experience being on the committee and understand the workings and behind the scenes of the society.
  • I will make sure your voices and concerns are heard and discussed amongst other committee members, no matter how small (or big) they are, to ensure that the society can be the best it can for you.
  • I have been interested in social mobility and the education system since sixth form when I wrote my EPQ dissertation (half an A-Level equivalent) on state v private school education. At UCL, I have tailored most of my essays towards state school education within the respective discipline.