Election post


Hi everyone, 

I would like to stand for First Year Representative because after joining UCL, I feel a heightened awareness of the inequality present in such an elite community. I hadn't realised before the extent to which such institutions could feel so overwhelmingly prestigious and therefore have truly appreciated the ability of the society to facilitate a welcoming and inclusive environment. 

I have grown up in a state school environment all of my life, which I had naively taken as the norm until I reached higher education. I believe wholeheartedly in equality of opportunity and therefore feel especially strongly that state schoolers should recieve more tailored opportunities and events within the university, opportunities that should have been equally available to state and private school students at the point of standard education, but which have clearly not been afforded to us in the same way. 

I have a strong background of interpersonal communication, from over a year's customer service work, and equally from mentoring positions within school. As First Year Representative, I would hope to represent the interests and voices of first-year state schoolers who are often overwhelmed in the way I was. I would love to be a part of a team which brings more people on board and to our events, as I am sure there is a wider pool of state schoolers who could benefit from this society's offering but are yet unaware.

Thank you for reading, Phoebe


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