Election post


Hey everyone!

I am Ashwin, if we haven’t met at a social session or phineas. I am a first year Economics student from India. I like to lift weights, watch F1, cook Indian food, read politics and economics and most of all, I enjoy playing volleyball.

I used to play volleyball in middle school and restarted playing again this year. I have loved every second of the social sessions, primarily because of our welcoming and diverse community! Currently, I am thoroughly enjoying playing as a setter in the Sunday league. Standing for treasurer is an attempt to give back to a community where I have met so many lovely people and made lots of memories. I want to ensure that we enjoy and improve at volleyball regardless of skill level.

My vision for the society as treasurer is as follows:

  • Work closely with our President to finance their vision
  • Allocate funds to improve training equipment for all team and social members
  • Optimise budget to ensure minimum 4 hours of social sessions per week! (Bring back MOBERLY Sessions)
  • Organise and fund social activities like post session dinnersclub trip during reading week and a volleyball boat party!
  • Introduce extra weekly skill based sessions in addition to the social sessions for all skill levels to progress at volleyball.

Also, whoever votes for me gets to try my special chicken curry (it’s quite spicy btw) ;)