Election post


Hi fellow students, I'm a 1st Year Biological Sciences undergraduate, and I’m excited to nominate myself as the welfare secretary for the Urban Farmer’s Society.

As a sprouting member, I am keen to branch out and grow our community's passion for sustainability and eco-friendly gardening. Whether you are a novice or an experienced gardener, I believe that everyone can enjoy the simple pleasures of digging in the dirt and watching plants grow. From seed swaps to gardening workshops and social events, I will work to ensure that our society is a thriving and enjoyable space for all members.

In my role as Welfare Officer, I will work diligently to weed out negative vibes and ensure that the society continues to be a blooming and supportive space for everyone. Whether you're an aspiring horticulturist or just getting started, I hope to promote the society as a place to provide support, resources, and satisfaction to fulfil your inner horticultural desires.

Key Performance Indicators to achieve:

  • Increasing returning membership participation
  • Expanding the variety of activities
  • Enabling greater ownership in gardening projects

So… If you’re looking for someone to turnip the good times, vote me as your Urban Farmer's Society Welfare Secretary. I promise to give my best in keep things fresh and exciting, and to cultivate a thriving and inclusive community for all members.

Let’s keep our green thumbs rolling and I look forward to helping our society grow and flourish!