Election post


I have enjoyed the last year as treasurer of UCLUNA, helping out with the committee to plan and manage finances. We aren't broke yet so I think I have done alright so far! More specifically, I've secured £1050 of grant funds for our society, helped organising delegations and subsidies for LIMUN and Harvard WorldMUN (which has been more work than you would expect), filled out all the forms to the SU, maintained good communication and leadership with committee members (I hope), and I have a great potential speaker event for next year October (If it goes ahead it will be amazing). Basically, if you want someone who has actively been part of the society for the last couple of years, who is responsive, reliable and is willing to take responsibility, vote for me. I'm a solid choice. My manifesto is the same as last year, upon which I successfully delivered:

S. ound budget: Delivered responsible spending and won additional grants so we run balanced budget for the year 2023/2024 ✓

U. nited: Delivered to the team on finance, but where necessary on the organisation of socials, guest speaker event and conferences, making UCLUNA visible across the community ✓

N. ations: I want to improve UCLUNA to make a consistent future conference winning delegation and explore the possibility of our own UCL conference ✓

A. ccessibility: Deliver partial/full sponsoring of conference attendance ✓

K. now: Deliver the most efficient/appropriate ways to allocate funding for UCLUNA ✓

Great success!!!