Election post


Hey everyone I'm Wynsey and I have been serving as your Vice-President for a year now :) 

UCLUNA has taken significant steps forward since activities slowed down during the pandemic. Last year, as VP MUN, the team I led focused on:

  1. Improving the quality of training sessions 
  2. Providing support for delegates attending conferences 
  3. Expanding the number of conferences we send delegates to (and fighting for grants and subsidies for conferences like LIMUN and WorldMUN) 

I'm running for President this year because I am driven and inspired to push our society to greater heights. My strategic vision encompasses:

  1. Reviving UCL's MUN conference and allowing all UCL students to take part in organising it
  2. Organising a UN Case Competition in collaboration with other UN societies in UCL and across London
  3. Expanding the committee by creating a Careers and Networking branch to host events for members who are not necessarily interested in MUN 
  4. Building new partnerships with NGOs (like the Stimson Center or Funds for Peace) to host more unique events 
  5. Changing the day of our weekly training sessions to one that is more accessible (instead of Wednesday nights, maybe Thursdays) 
  6. Providing opportunities for more overseas conferences 
  7. Upscaling training sessions to not just cover beginner-friendly material but Intermediate - Advanced levels to cater to all experience levels
  8. Building a tight-knit community led by a strong committee :) 

I am committed to seeing this