Election post


Hi, I'm Wee Lee, and I'm currently a first year. I'll keep this short (like me) and sweet (...working on it).

I'm running for the position of treasurer as I've really enjoyed being part of the club this past year and would love the opportunity to get more involved in the running of the club.

I believe that I am well-suited for the role of treasurer because:
- Being a treasurer requires good organisation and the ability to handle responsibility: I have had experience being the leader of two student-run volunteering clubs at my previous school, and I believe I have what it takes.
- Being part of a committee and running a club smoothly also requires good communication skills: Having been part of the SU this past year as a course rep, I have had many opportunities to develop this as well. 
- Lastly, as a statistics student, I already spend the entirety of my days looking at numbers (and spreadsheets), so you can be sure that I'll be able to handle a couple more. 

Thanks for reading this far, I hope you'll vote for me :)