Election post


Hi, I'm Joash!  I've been playing Ultimate since 2017, having played competitively at high school, club and as part of the U24 training squad in Singapore. UCL Ultimate has been a new chapter of my journey in the sport.

I've been fortunate to meet so many different people through UCL Ultimate this year. From world-class players who have played at the highest levels of Ultimate, those on their way in their Ultimate journey, to people just starting out, much like myself not too long ago. The diversity and inclusivity of Ultimate has always stood out to me. I've grown so much from this year in UCL and hope to continue to learn from as well as impart some of what I've picked up over my time playing to others.

I aim to foster a strong competitive team system and identity. UCL may not have the sports facilities that other Unis have but we are lucky to have numbers of very experienced players join our ranks every year. I envision developing a three-year programme where newcomers to the sport can develop and improve, organically generating class players who synergise with our yearly influx of talent into a force to be reckoned with at Nationals.

Socially, there's always something on offer. Be it learning new skills, getting a good workout, or just meeting new people. I want to make sure that UCL Ultimate is able to accommodate to our wide base of players, creating opportunities for players at every level to enjoy themselves, improve, and find a community within this sport.