Election post


Hi all, I am Sanjan! Current Econs undergrad and I have been playing frisbee for wayyy too long…

Comms Officer should be obsessed with social media and I feel we can use it for these purposes, which are: encourage current players to continue investing their time into the game, encourage new players to join and playing, and to broadcast the essence and publicise the name and game of ulti.

Currently, with a thriving Facebook page, Instagram, and website of the Silverbacks, I feel that point 1 has been covered well. With the incredible culture that has been fostered, such as the live recaps of the games, current players will be invested and will continue playing with us.

However, the newer players who may not be as involved will feel left out of all these happenings. Moreover, communication among the new players will be limited as there are no group chats or proper means of communication between them. The Facebook page tends to disseminate information in a very top-down manner.

I feel that an intro email can be sent to all new members, where they are shown to the facebook page and the various social media – and added to a group (probably on messenger) mainly for new players.

For point 3, a collaboration with other societies will be key as it will be easier to publicise ulti to smaller groups rather than to the whole of UCL at once. Hopefully, through our efforts, ulti can be thought of more than throwing a disc at the beach.