Election post


Hey, I’m Rebecca from LUSL! I’m running for Welfare Officer this year. I've been here for the past year and I want to give back to the society that's become an integral part of my life!  

My past experience

  • I was awarded the Service Award for Tennis in high school for my contributions beyond expectations. Similarly, I promise to give my all to UCL Tennis, and go the extra mile!
  • As the Class Chairperson in my high school, I promoted the welfare of my class, making sure everyone felt included. I also planned fun surprise celebrations, e.g. for everyone's birthdays and Teachers' Day.

My present motivations

  • Tennis has made me feel warm and welcome. I want to continue this legacy and give back, and stay grounded in the society.

My future vision for the role

  • I hope to lay out and implement a clear and actionable inclusion plan to ensure that everyone feels welcome! 
  • I hope to gather more information on how to promote greater welfare. I hope to set up a continuous feedback channel to see what is being done well, what can be improved upon, and what new welfare events members would like to see.  
  • I hope to liaise with the social secs on additional welfare events. Some preliminary ideas include picnics, tennis watch sessions, and more!