Election post


This has been my first year at UCL, and the Tennis society has played a vital role in my UCL life thus far, both through socials and BUCS.


The Tennis socials have been a key part of my social life in my first year, which has led me to apply for this role. I have attended most of the Wednesday socials which have allowed me to become closer with my team members as well as those from different teams in different age groups.


As social secretary I would aim to spur greater participation across all teams in our Wednesday socials, creating a large and inclusive atmosphere that would motivate all members to attend. I would also like to create new events besides our Wednesday socials and Christmas ball, such as a bowling or mini golf social so that all members can get to know each other more personally while also having lots of fun.


I am an organised person who has had leadership roles in the past proving my suitability for the role. I am determined to make the most out of this position to help better the society, should I be offered the role.