Election post


My experience as Women’s captain over the past year has fostered strong organisational and communication skills which will be essential for managing the club's finances. I have gained an insight into general squad finances and taken part in RUMS Tennis development meetings with the Student Union: as a result, I comprehensively understand the future needs of the club and strive to fulfil this.

My involvement in both the squad and social scene has given me a unique perspective on the actions that need to be taken to benefit all members of the club. I am committed to the discussions that have been had with current committee concerning our goals and general financial sustainability. I believe my experience, reliability and dedication make me an excellent candidate (just ask Maxi or Bernardo, I pay our household rent and bills).

In my role as Treasurer I would aim to:

  • Action discussions from this year to block book courts. I will explore options of training at Lee Valley so that Squad gains some stability for next year. I believe this will greatly benefit attendance, team spirit and performance.
  • Continue work to look for sponsorship and further the work done by previous treasurers on this front. I will get in touch with Alumni or UH Tennis connections for advice and financial opportunities.
  • Try to keep membership costs as affordable as possible in the current climate and throughly promote SU participation funds to ensure the club remains accessible to all.