Election post


…well… I’m back…

And after a year of failing to keep any promises I made in my last captaincy nomination, I find myself in a position to run for 2nd team captain for next year (again due to a lack of nominees it seems)

Although I haven’t done much, somehow this year has not turned out to be a complete disaster with the rums lusl squad poised to finish top of the league!!! (or at least 2nd if we bottle it vs royal Holloway).

A potential historic finish is down to a great squad that I have had the pleasure of ‘leading’ this year and I would like to thank everyone involved across the season - subject to if we actually win and get promoted***

This time, my experience of being on committee has told me to not overpromise at AGM, however I do promise write more than one match report in a season if I get elected. My simple aim would be to get the 2nd team playing well together, developing the talent we have within the club and seeing where that will get us at the end of the season.

I think being at the helm of this successful season has given me the organisational skills required and a lot of insight and ideas that I would like to carry into next season to see how well RUMS tennis can do!