Election post


The future of the RUMS women's team is in danger, and I am here to save it. For 2 years, I have been a key member of the women's team, showing commitment to training and matches, playing tennis to a high standard in both BUCS and LUSL and more recently, gracing everyone with my presence at sports night. I bring to every training my sarcasm and humour, which is exactly the boost that everyone needs on a Monday night. From telling stories about my tragic dating track record (one of my exes went to prison) to forcing everyone in the team to look at what I have recently knitted/crocheted, I am guaranteed to bring a smile to the beautiful faces of my teammates. Moreover, my kind personality and (lack of) height will draw all the frightened freshers into our club. 

I solemnly swear to give RUMS tennis my all, to be more social,  and to (forcefully) encourage ALL team members to attend training. Whether this happens through food-related blackmail or seduction remains to be seen...