Election post


Our names are Kat K and Sofia G and we would love the opportunity to be your co-captains of W1 for the 2023/4 season. Following this past year’s successes on the court, we would love to continue the spirit of the team going into the next. Since meeting right at the beginning of the season, we just clicked and we think we make quite the duo! With Kat having captaincy experience under her belt, her knowledge is an asset, particularly when it comes to understanding the practicalities of being a captain. While Sofia, new to the team last year, is bringing an awareness of that integration aspect into a new team. 
Both of these perspectives are important, especially when ground in hard-work, organisation, and drive- all of which we vow to bring if elected. 

More tangibly, we have plans that we want to see implemented next year. Now working with a coach, who Kat helped to bring one, we hope that the structure of our trainings will help translate to results on the court. We want to increase the number of opportunities to hit during the week- even if in a more informal capacity, and to push for a centralised fitness plan accessible to all members of W1. Off the court, we are firm believers in the importance of team bonding, so we plan to organise more team dinners, but also to branch out- did someone say karaoke night?! 

All in all, we think that two brains are better than one, and that together we can improve W1 as co-captains next season.