Election post


I’m Jodie, a second year BSc archaeology student hoping to take on the position of Alumni Representative. Tennis Society has been integral to my university experience: as a first year, I captained W1 and have competed for the team this year, whilst also developing my closest friendships within society, many of whom have or will be graduating this year. I would love to re-engage with the management side and help establish a network of alumni, ensuring that graduates remain a part of society beyond their years at UCL. 

Tennis has always been prominent in my life, having competed as a junior, worked for IBM at Wimbledon, and coached part-time. I spent two years on a sports scholarship at UMass where I worked with the university to provide content, manage outreach, and increase engagement. To achieve this, I helped organise trainings and events, wrote and released monthly newsletters, published a record book, and sent regular email updates all to recognise and engage with graduates.

If elected, I hope to build to strong connection between past and present members. I would ensure events are created targeting alumni involvement and encouraging their continued participation in UCL Tennis, as well as regular outreach programmes including updates and upcoming schedules. I am a firm believer that graduating should not mean you are no longer a part of society and hope to encourage that mindset amongst alumni.