Election post


Hello! My name is Tan Jing, and I am a Law student at UCL. I would like to thank you for taking the time to vote.

I am currently a first-year representative at the Society and am part of the team for this year’s TEDxUCL Conference. This has allowed me to have an in-depth understanding of the internal management of the Society and how it functions. I also have first-hand knowledge of how the TEDx Society prepares and hosts their events, which helps prepare me for the role of secretary.

I have had experience in secretarial work from my role as student council secretary at my previous school. I was responsible for creating and applying the administrative systems for filing, external communications and scheduling. Therefore, I can use these ideas to improve the Society’s administration. I am confident that the skills I have obtained from the position will allow me to fulfil the role of TEDx Society Secretary well.

As the secretary, I will work hard to support the Society and other committee members by improving administrative efficiency. I will achieve this by ensuring all records are in order, maintaining an organised filing system and making sure meetings are effectively scheduled and organised.

The TEDx initiative has had a significant impact worldwide through raising awareness about important issues in society. I hope to be able to join this fantastic initiative and play a part in the work the TEDx Society does. This is why I am standing for TEDx Society Secretary.