Election post


i beT you think about me wHen anyone mentions the mAd womaN who always belts her heart out in her cardigan on Karaoke nights, or the girl in a dress who never fails to go the extra mile with her outfits at themed tss parties. never in my wildest dream would i imagine that i could live my swiftie life like this before last Year - if anyone tOld me that i woUld ever be a member of a tAylor swift society when i was fifteeN, i woulD have told them that they were insane! i have had the best days with ucL taylOr swift society, and i am beyoNd enchanted to have the potential opportunity to contribute back to this community! even thouGh i do feeL like a mIrrorball and anti-hero sometimes, i am confident that as a treasurer i would avoid all treacherous paths financially and always keep my eyes, eyes open on the money matters - i'll take good care of the kitchen table bills so you can have the time of your life doing your gorgeous liVing room dancing!   


p.s. writing a manifesto instead of an insta caption in swiftiE language hits different! i'm definitely gonna be so haunted by my horrible wordplay...this is me trying...