Election post


I am nominating myself for the role of welfare officer, because one of the most important things in life is taking care of one’s mental health and wellbeing. In Tamil society, I have come across a lot of people who are very confident and outgoing, but also many that are quite reserved who may feel isolated. The Tamil community is amazing, especially at university, but it also can be quite overwhelming for those who are introverted, socially anxious and maybe haven’t found their footing, therefore I would like to be someone who makes sure everyone feels included and valued in the community of Tamil society and at UCL as a whole. I hope to be someone who can make others feel comfortable about reaching out if they do feel lonely and need someone to talk to. I personally have struggled with my mental health in the past and have felt isolated at some points throughout university, so from my experiences, I understand the need and importance of having support from peers. This is something that I wish to provide.