Election post


Heyy guys, I’m Mathu and I’m standing to be re-elected as the Media and Marketing officer next year.

Designing media for Tamil Society this year has been very important for re-establishing UCL TSoc. This year, I created the new UCL TSoc logo and have been designing the insta posts so far, making sure we have the best visuals to promote our events.

The best way I can make a positive impact on Tamil Society is through using my skills in digital design to create engaging posts for our insta which have a huge impact on event turnout and creating buzz for our socials and events.

As a collaborative and highly-motivated individual, I can bring new, creative ideas to the team as well as being ready to help out at events where needed.

I would love to continue representing TSoc for media and marketing and have lots of new ideas for next year. For example, I’d like to create a UCL TSoc website, to inform about upcoming events (social, arts, sport), charity/outreach activities and sports teams.

Vote for me if you want to see more eye-catching visuals and engaging content that are going to keep our events and socials packed and make sure next year’s TSoc is even more successful.