Election post


It will be a great way to interact with other Tamil people and allow me to contribute to UCL Tamil Society by creating fun socials for everyone. I am an outgoing and approachable person so I hope to be a friendly face on the committee. Being organised is essential for this role and I love planning ahead for things and that also includes planning for when things go wrong too. Being a tutor outside of university has given me a lot of experience in organising lessons so I hope to pass on those skills when planning socials. I want to incorporate a pub crawl into our socials; however, I also want to make socials that are also applicable to non-drinkers as I understand it can be very overwhelming to go to socials where the focus is on alcohol. I want everyone to feel included in the socials, so I have ideas such as a picnic at Primrose Hill or a beach day. In addition to that, I want to use the opportunity to collab with other Tamil societies for socials such as games night so we can interact with even more Tamils.