Election post


Hi everyone,

I’m William and I am running for the position of Vice President for UCL table tennis society for the upcoming academic year. 

As an active member of the team, I have had the opportunity to witness the outstanding efforts of our current executive committee in building a strong and dynamic community within our team and society. I believe that I can bring my skills and experience to further enhance the club's growth and success.

As a regular player in the team, I have come to appreciate the importance of teamwork and leadership in achieving our goals. 

Throughout my time at UCL, I have been involved in several extracurricular activities, including sports teams and academic societies, where I have held leadership positions. These experiences have allowed me to develop essential skills in communication, organisation, and collaboration that will be invaluable in serving as Vice President.

If elected, I plan to work closely with the President and the rest of the executive committee to continue building on the success of our society. My main goals will be to:
Increase participation: I will work to attract more members and encourage them to attend regular training sessions and matches. This will involve creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for all members, regardless of skill level.
Organise tournaments and events: I will help to organise tournaments and social events to bring our members together and foster a sense of community within the club.
Support the President: I will support the President in their