Election post


Hi everyone! My name is Matthew and I would be honoured to serve another year as one of your Fitness Captains. Over the past 2 years it had been my privilege to help our Fitness Squad grow, in both confidence and ability, and to help our swimmers find a new joy in our wonderful sport.

I've been honoured to serve as your President over the past year and as I take a step-back from that role to focus on my studies (in my final year) I would love to still be able to contribute to the Club. It genuinely brings me so much joy and fulfilment to help you all improve your strokes and I would be grateful if you would allow me another year of fun!

Needless to say I would drive for more pool time for more swimmers with a broad focus on all levels of ability. I hope to be able to re-introduce land training (following some careful budgeting this year) and push towards having some 'friendly' competitions for our comp-aspiring top-lane swimmers.

Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to seeing you at training this week!