Election post


I’m so excited to be running for the WINS Chair this year! Attending the WINS conference as a fresher, amidst the doubts and uncertainties of pursuing a demanding field like surgery, left me with a newfound optimism. 

Being the Finance and Sponsorship Officer, and other society committee roles, has illustrated the boundless dedication and responsibility required to organise such an inspirational event. So, I'm thrilled to bring my expertise and enthusiasm to creating a space that empowers female-identifying, aspiring surgeons. 

My key focusses: What am I committed to doing?

  • LISTENING - How can WINS be more useful and accessible? I want to hear what you have to say!
  • NEW “WINS Accelerate” programme - Revamping the WINS mentorship scheme with a series of networking events and talks on starting a career in surgery (e.g. CST portfolio/bursary application advice). Also, of course, an opportunity to get involved with research, audits, and shadowing from current surgeons!
  • The Annual UCL WINS Conference - Building on the success of the past 4 years, I aim to enhance the conference by adding more discussion panels and workshops - including ones focussed on microsurgery and innovation. I would love to hear what you want from the next conference as well!

Education, representation, and mentorship have the power to transform careers. So, as your Women in Surgery Chair, I'm ready to listen, learn, and take initiative to make UCL's surgical community more inclusive and empowering.