Election post


Hi everyone! I am going to be standing for Treasurer this year. I understand that this is a massive role within Surgical society, and I do not take this job lightly. I know I will do well in this position and would like to take this challenge!

As previous Director of Finance for iNUGSC, I have gained experience being part of the organising a conference and was involved in important decisions such as deciding the ticket prices and numbers, budgeting for the conference, keeping a record of all expenses and communicating with sponsors. This year we were able to obtain 5 financial sponsorships, as well as other sponsorships for subscriptions and goody bags. I have thoroughly enjoyed contacting companies and persuading them to sponsor our society.

Whilst in this position, I also worked alongside the Treasurer and have realised the importance of communication. As someone who is readily available and easy to contact, I will be replying to all your emails and messages as soon as possible. I will also be updating other members of the society, when necessary, continue my relationships with the sponsors that I obtained this year from iNUGSC and most importantly liaising with the Student’s Union. I believe I am quite reliable, so will keeping a thorough record of expenditure and revenue of the society with regular financial statements.

I have many ideas to make Surgical Society thrive and am excited to be an advisor for all great events that gets run throughout the year!