Election post


I joined UCL Surgical Society at our Fresher's Fair and have been pleasantly overwhelmed with all they have to offer to expand medical students' insight into a surgical career right from Year 1. From my time in the society, I have attended the WinS Conference, talks from surgeons of different specialities, joined the Peer2Peer Mentoring scheme and applied for shadowing opportunities, as well as attending lectures from the Case to Case: International Paediatric Surgery Teaching Series. All these opportunities have really piqued my interest in surgery as a very exciting and rewarding career path after university, and I am standing to share that enthusiasm with others! I found having such early exposure from the society to the niche careers in the MBBS to be invaluable in developing my interests and portfolio around surgery. This has encouraged me to stand for the role of Pre-clinical representative so I can help to increase awareness for the society amongst the first three years of the programme, so more medics who may not have even considered a career in surgery can benefit from the same exposure and access to the variety of different events as I did to broaden their opportunities and show that a career in surgery is attainable for all. I am very confident and organised which I feel is key to this role to help effectively structure the Surgical CV and Year 1 Survival Guide, but also easily approachable to deliver lecture shout outs and engage the freshers in different events.