Election post


Hello, I’m Aishwarya and I’m a third-year medical student, intercalating in Surgical Sciences. UCL Surgical Society has an incredible platform, and I hope to further develop what has been built as Paediatrics Surgery Chair, to increase awareness of paediatric surgery as a specialty. 

What I have achieved in the role so far:

  • Provided UCL Paediatric Surgery with the opportunity to host the 'Case to Case' series, which I led the creation of
  • Created national collaborations with other paediatric societies
  • Went from ~100 Instagram followers to over 1000 
  • Created a presence for the specialty across various social media platforms 
  • Established a newfound collaboration with another large UCL society (keep your eyes peeled on our socials for some exciting announcements...)

If elected Paediatric Surgery Chair, I would:

  • Be able to provide UCL Paediatric Surgery with the opportunity to host the 'Case to Case' series for another year
  • Build more paediatrics/surgically-related collaborations, nationally and internationally 
  • Establish more collaborations that are outside of the medical realm
  • Further expand our online presence
  • Create a conference
  • Provide opportunities for students to understand the practical elements of the specialty

Due to the connections I have built, skills I have developed and familiarity with the role, I believe I can achieve even more in the same period of time and continue to ensure paediatrics surgery successfully reaches medical students' radar.