Election post


As current Surgical Society Vice President and Conference Director of iNUGSC 2023, I have extensive experience coordinating events, liaising with surgeons and creating surgical skills workshops. Two years of experience running the iNUGSC conference, have provided me with feedback on which workshops taught medical students and doctors how to improve their surgical dexterity skills and broadened their knowledge of future surgical techniques. I am extremely dedicated to expanding the clinical skills sessions and collaborating with surgeons, research facilities and other surgical societies to ensure that all sessions are run by the highest quality and most experienced teachers. In addition to this, I want to provide as many medical students the opportunity to teach in these sessions to also boost their own teaching skills for their portfolios, and so would love to be contacted with new ideas in the future.

As clinical skills coordinator, I would:

  • Introduce new workshops based on the future of surgery, including virtual reality brain and heart surgery simulations - I already have surgical contacts who would love to set this up
  • Collaborate with specialty chairs to create tailored workshops specific to specialties you are interested in 
  • Help ensure the legacy of iNUGSC continues by assisting with their surgical skills workshops and enhancing the way medical students are able to access these teaching sessions