Election post


Hi everyone, my name is Charlie Coombs. I would love to be your clinical skill coordinator next year! I am passionate about pursuing a career in surgery and want to share this enthusiasm with you all.

Plan for the year:

  1. Provide hands-on experience with basic surgical skills including suturing, scrubbing in, and handling instruments.
  2. Liaise with other members of the Surg Soc committee to encourage students to have the opportunity for theatre experience to put what we learn during tutorials into practice under expert supervision.
  3. Emphasize Career and CPSA orientated skills to develop and mature participating members of Surg Soc through collaborative, multi-university teaching opportunities.

All courses should be free and accessible to all, whether that be virtual or in-person.

Why me?

  1. Experience teaching as a suture tutor at the recent Surg Soc series has familiarised me with the society’s clinical skills education process.
  2. As an Army Reserve Officer, I helped organise a national conference on Frontline Surgery. Talks included specialists in expedition medicine, military medicine and allied health professionals. I would hope to use these contacts to facilitate practical surgical teaching in remote environments.
  3. As a Surg Soc member, I have learnt considerably from the webinars, conferences and talks over the last 5 years. I hope to take this great experience in Surg Soc forward.

Thank you for your time reading, I would really appreciate your vote ?