Election post


Hey London shredders,

As someone who has grown up surfing in North Wales, I know the struggles of having my hair unsalted for way too long and the importance of getting the trips in to catch some good waves. I have been part of the committee for the last two years (first trip sec then as vice president) and have mainly been responsible for organising the trips, so I know how to get them sorted. I am a pretty organised person (well, atleast when I'm not on surf trips) and something I want to improve on next year is getting them organised sooner giving people more time know if they can go. 

In addition to our usual abroad trips, I would also like to organise more (possibly impromptu) trips to Cornwall, Devon or South Wales and the Wave Pool to get people surfing as much as possible at a more affordable price. In terms of abroad trips, I'm thinking heading back to Canaries, Northern Spain or potentially Morocco (given how cheap flights are usually, outside of half term) are on the cards, but open to suggestions. 

If you vote for me, trips will be in safe hands,

