Election post


Salam everyone! I'm Asmaa, a 2nd year Data Science student. Having been active in UCL SJP since my first year, I've seen the society grow and flourish and I'm very grateful to have played a role in this as part of this year's executive committee. 

From organising a peaceful protest against an IDF war criminal on our campus, to running campaigns such as Al-Aqsa week and Palestine Cultural Fortnight, I've had excellent opportunities to develop and refine my organisational and leadership skills. I worked hard to to reach out to people who had not previously engaged with the society, and part of my goal this year is to continue that engagement and outreach. 

In the upcoming academic year, I hope to help the committee maintain the momentum that we have built so far. I will do so through working both publicly, with social media campaigns and raising awareness through a plethora of events; and privately, with the work that continues behind the scenes such as BDS campaigns, which, despite not being at the forefront of activism, are the backbone of the society. 

Having grown up in the world of activism, I want to translate my passion for helping the oppressed and marginalised into my time while at university. Particularly as a Muslim Arab, this cause is very close to my heart, and I hope as your Vice President, I can make a difference.