Election post


Salam Alaikum all!

I’m Sarah, a first year History student. Being a part of SJP this year has been an incredibly insightful experience. I have been able to contribute to the society’s success through the planning and social media advertising of many new campaigns and initiatives, such as Cultural Fortnight, Palestinian History Fortnight and Al-Aqsa week, where we were able to highlight the many different aspects to student activism, while creating a welcoming and inclusive environment where the uniting cause of Palestinian liberation is at the centre.

Going forward, I will make sure to prioritise the many issues which are at the core of the work of the SJP, such as lobbying for SU to pass a BDS motion in order to render UCL a place which respects Palestinian Human Rights, and allows for Palestinian voices to articulate their cause for liberation, without being silenced.

Through being part of the committee, I have been able to learn from my colleagues in what it takes to be both a part of this community and what is required of a good leader. As an Arab Muslim, this cause is one which holds a special place in my heart, and thus I will carry the passion for social justice that was a crucial part of my upbringing, with me in being President. Insha'Allah, I aim to unite our many diverse communities, here at UCL, in order to continue the amazing work that has been done and build a strong front against the apartheid and oppression of the Palestinians.