Election post


Hi everyone, my name is Valerie! I'm a 2nd year student studying BA Geography, with a focus on human geography. 

I would like to run for the position of president as I believe that UCL STAR society has a lot to contribute with our fundraising events, workshops and volunteering opportunities.

I currently lead one of the teams volunteering at Hopscotch Women's Centre, running arts and craft play activities for Afghan refugee children. I have enjoyed planning and executing activities for the kids and seeing how much they look forward to each session always makes my day. The experience has made me even more committed to supporting refugees in their effort rebuild and settle into their lives in the UK. 

As president of UCL STAR society, I would like to organize events that are impactful and helpful for the refugees we reach out to. For example, expanding our volunteering efforts and partnering with more organizations that provide refugees with various forms of support. I also believe in advocacy efforts as spreading awareness about the challenges that refugees face is a key step in building compassion and tolerance towards refugees in UK society. 

If elected, I promise to keep this society active and most importantly, an organization that does meaningful work that we can all be proud to participate in.