Election post


Having loved every minute of being a member of Sri Lankan society since 2021 and being on the 2022 Committee, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to also join for 2023.

As charity officer, I have enjoyed every aspect of my role. We began the year with a charity fair to raise money for Ocean Stars which supports community projects in Sri Lanka.

I have also been involved in the general organization of events such as brainstorming games for our meet n greet games night, running our freshers fair stall and joined the trip to Warwick Cricket and Sapphire.

I have decided to run for Vice President due to the increase in responsibility this position brings, working more closely with the president and other members of our committee to make Sri Lankan Society even bigger and better.

If elected, I plan to be more involved in areas such as:

  • More intersociety events- sharing our culture through fun events similar to the ladies cultural night where we collaborated with the Afghan, Kurdish and Indian societies
  • Organising more catered events- listening to society feedback to have more events in line with member preferences
  • Bigger events- starting our own signature event that we can invite other universities to and planning more big society trips

I hope to use the experiences I have gained being on this year’s committee to play an even bigger role within next year’s committee so we can continue spreading the word about our society and keep celebrating what it means to be Sri Lankan!