Election post


I have always been a fan of space stuff - sci-fi movies and novels, the mysteries of galaxies, or simply stars in a clear night. This pure passion motivated me to do Astronomy as one of my IB subjects, and I joined the Space Society as I want to get to know more people in university who share the same passion. Currently, I am interested in the commercial space industry, which is an intersection of business, finance, and space. My curiosities in all these three areas drive me to explore more about the commercial opportunities of the space industry that used to be primarily state-led. Therefore, I run for the event officer role because I not only want to continue to make space knowledge and fun facts more available to everyone at UCL, but also make people more aware of the opportunities to participate in this amazing area from the private sector side and accelerate the development of this industry. I would love to invite more stakeholders in this sector, e.g. entrepreneurs, engineers, government officials, researchers etc. to share their views and predictions of the future of space industry commercialisation. I believe this would be of big interest of many people as Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos etc. become the first few famous businessmen stepping into the universe. Imagine a world where everyone cares about and contributes to the space industry, seems like we are so many steps closer to the aspiration of interstellar communication and travelling!