Election post


As President, I would hope to lead and challenge a talented team to deliver on an improved student experience for our members, based on four pillars: Careers, Events, Development and Society. We need to rise to the challenge and opportunity of being split across new and old campuses. 

Specifically, my priorities are:

  1. Regular Social Activities – across the two campuses, focused on inter-year mingling, and inter-society collaborations. We should recognize social events including but not limited to the pint…


  1. Professional development and networking – Career talk panels are here to stay. In coordination with staff and wider industry, we should be pushing for open lectures we’re interested in, and informal mixed-format events to get to know and understand the various work options available to us.


  1. Publication – As a cutting-edge degree, and as multi-talented driven individuals, we should be contributing to the discussion on our role in the industry and in the world. Creating a curated space to show our work and push a wider understanding of the unique skills developed by Engineering and Architectural Design.


My experience:

I have not led a society before. But.

For two years I have been a student rep. I am not the most efficient, but I am effective, and I get done what needs to get done.

As y2 will tell you, I have ample experience cutting through red tape, I am good at solving problems, and above all I am an excellent in person communicator and team player.