Election post


Hello everyone! I am Madeleine and I am running to be the career officer for the SEAD society. 

I would love to be the career officer of SEAD because I believe that having a career team in SEAD is an important part of our society as there are usually a lot of questions that rise among students in terms of job applications etc. Being a career officer, I would definitely work with other elected career team members to create resources (like handouts) and talks (by alumni of the MEng course etc.) to have a database of information on possible career paths, tips and tricks on application etc. 

I am suited for this role since I have been on the SEAD committee for almost a year now. I have watched this society grow as a whole, allowing me to know what is expected from me if I am chosen to become a career officer. Other than that, I have also taken up leadership roles like being a prefect in my secondary school and taking on projects outside of class where I had to work in small and big groups. All the skills acquired from my previous roles will allow me to be a responsible and reliable career officer.

Thank you so much for reading this and please feel free to message me if you have any questions.