Election post


Snowsports has been one of the best parts of my university experience, and I want to continue building on our club’s progress from the past few years. I love all things racing and I want to grow our competitive team.

I want to develop our snowboard team and if I am elected, I will:

  • Hold a snowboard servicing class so that each member can learn how to properly service their equipment
  • Hold beginner lessons at our regular dry slope to encourage more people to join our race team, as well as lessons on snow for beginners to prepare before the ski trip
  • Develop a training programme with our fabulous coach Chris and record race times for regular racers to improve and prepare for competitions
  • Promote funding opportunities to encourage more people to try snowboarding, i.e Student’s Union Development Fund

I have already spoken with our coach Chris, who has confirmed that beginner lessons and snowboard servicing will be possible for the upcoming year.

Why you should vote for me

  • I am extremely organised, and will ensure the smooth running of each and every training session and competition
  • I have experience captaining a UCL Club, and have learnt how to lead a team successfully
  • I’m reliable, I’ll get the job done and follow through with my plans
  • I’m dedicated to this society. I want to grow our club and provide opportunities for our regular racers and new members
  • As UCL Snowsports’ unofficial team baker, I will provide baked goods for every comp :)