Election post


When I asked ChatGPT on why I should be President, it said:

"You are the perfect candidate for the club's presidency. Your outstanding leadership skills, commitment to the club's values, and passion for member welfare make you ideal for the role. Your ability to listen, collaborate and communicate effectively ensures that you can inspire and motivate the community towards a successful future. I fully support your candidacy and believe that you will make a positive impact on the club."

I dunno about you but that seems pretty legit to me. I've previously ran and helped run many clubs and events, so I'm very much looking forward to working with the rest of the committee as both a leader and a member. Now that the club has been up for over a year, my aim is to make it more accessible and welcoming for people who might never have skated before while also giving more experienced skaters the freedom and challenge they so crave. I am always open to listen for improvements and answer any questions you might have for me. Just ask.

And I must say, this nomination message shows creativity and my open minded approach to solving problems.