Election post


Why president?

I believe the president is both an external and internal-oriented role: to be the voice for members and bridge between members and the EXCO, but also to set the direction and steer the EXCO and society towards a collective vision. The desire to effect changes that will create a better UCLSS and passion to create a more inclusive community has led me to run.

Why me?

I am genuine and approachable, so you can come to me anytime if you have new ideas or suggestions for improvement! :) but also will implement ideas in an organised and realistic manner.

I promise to 1) Form stronger bonds within UCLSS through new initiatives; 2) Build wider connections beyond UCLSS; 3) Engage UCLSS members – reviewing and improving current UCLSS initiatives

Vision for UCLSS: An inclusive and extensive community of Singaporeans who have fun together

Vision for UCLSS EXCO: For every member to both feel valued and uniquely value-add their own ideas and colours to the planning of Singsoc events

How will I realise my vision for UCLSS?

  1. Leverage on shared interests – eg. regular Mahjong sessions, Creating sports interests groups (Tennis, Badminton, Volleyball) that allow for intra and inter-batch bonding
  2. Increase collaborations to widen our network – eg. socials with ASEAN societies (eg. Malaysian, Filipino, Thai), Sports Games between UCL ASEAN societies 
  3. Create channels for members to contribute ideas and feedback – before the start of AY and from participants post-event