Election post


I am nominating myself for this position as I am eager to support the vision of this society. This year, I have enjoyed the academic talks and articles which have facilitated my interest in science across a range of fields. In particular, I was fascinated by the talk on gender inequality within science. The experience has inspired me to write an article for the society on the underrepresentation of women in clinical trials. From first-hand experience, I understand that these academic events can spark inspiration in people, and I am eager to support a society that has such an impact. I am passionate about science communication. Recently, I created a podcast on colonising Mars, and I have also delivered a 10-minute presentation on the ethical implications of genetic engineering. As a Natural Sciences student, I value the interdisciplinary approach of this society to science and having taken a module in science communication, I understand the significance of these skills. I value the role that the society plays in developing skills and finding your voice in writing, exploring your own passions in science and discovering new fields explored by other students. To support this vision, I understand that it is essential to create an inclusive and welcoming environment to maintain participation and recruit new members. I feel passionate about supporting the society by making an impact on its community, and if elected, I would carry out my role with commitment and enthusiasm.