Election post


Hi! I'm Esme, a second-year archaeology student. I've been a member of SFFS since I started at UCL, and I've really enjoyed the events the society has put on. I've met some truly incredible people through the society, and would love the chance to give back to all of you. I feel that one area we can expand on is our presence within UCL (and the wider community) itself, and I believe that the events we already put on are a perfect vehicle to do so with.

I have some ideas for outreach events, including running RPG sessions for local schools, or publicising our lending library of nerd resources for the UCL community. I feel that the society's role as a safe space for queer indiviudals is one that should be cherished and valued, particularly in such a straight and cis-male dominated area, and one that we can extend through interactions with other UCL societies and the wider community.

Although I have not been on the SFFS Committee, I have been the secretary for my degree society this year, so I have a little experience of planning and running events. This is a skill that I would love to develop, particularly since I am quite introverted!